


What appears to be the unseen work at the CERN Courier is both the hardest and the most rewarding. Being an editor means to hide behind the author and improve the work without leaving traces to make the text an even more enjoyable read than before. The e-mail and the authors smile when they see the published work cannot be put into one million words.


As editor of the CERN Courier’s field notes, energy frontiers, reviews sections and main features, I edit many pieces and here is just a small selection. Please feel free to browse everything here or at the CERN Courier website to get a whole image.

This image is the frontispiece of a feature, which has a special connection to me: the text explains effective field theories, a Swiss knife for a theoretical physicists, which allows them to break multi-scale problems into manageable single-scale problems. An advantage is that hypothesis can be test quickly.


Effective field theories fascinate me since I was introduced to them as a student in the fourth term of my university studies. Unsurprisingly, my diploma and doctoral theses are about one high-energy theory called Randall Sundrum Model that can be seen as an effective field theory of a more general model.


Click on the image, it will take you directly into the magic of effective field theories.

Please find here a list of articles that I edited:

September/October 2023: "Gravitational waves: a golden era"

May/June 2023: "Cosmic rays for cultural heritage"

January/February 2023: "A theory of theories"

Online only: "Canadian particle physics at 50"

January/February 2024:

"Magnetic monopoles where art thou?" (ATLAS)
"QGP production studied at record energies" (CMS)
"Dielectrons take the temperature of Pb–Pb collisions" (ALICE)
"Resolving asymmetries in B0 and B0s oscillations" (LHCb)


November/December 2023:

"Highest-energy observation of quantum entanglement" (ATLAS)
"Antinuclei production in pp collisions" (LHCb)
"Collectivity in small systems produced at the LHC" (ALICE)
"Measuring energy correlators inside jets" (CMS)


September/October 2023:

"Probing gluonic saturated matter" (ALICE)
"CP studies open windows on new physics" (LHCb)
"Precision progress on the Higgs boson" (ATLAS)
"Using top quarks to probe nature’s secrets" (CMS)


July/August 2023:

"Probing for periodic signals" (ATLAS)
"Charm production in proton–lead collisions" (LHCb)
"A novel search for inelastic dark matter" (CMS)
"Inclusive photon production at forward rapidities " (ALICE)


May/June 2023:

"New insights into CP violation via penguin decays" (LHCb)
"Beauty quark production versus particle multiplicity" (ALICE)
"Searching for electroweak SUSY: a combined effort" (CMS)
"Digging deeper into invisible Higgs-boson decays" (ATLAS)


March/April 2023:

"Strong coupling probed beyond the TeV scale" (ATLAS)
"LHCb sees evidence for a new tetraquark state" (LHCb)
"τ-lepton polarisation measured in Z-boson decays" (CMS)
"Multi-strange production constrains hadronisation" (ALICE)


January/February 2023:

"Hunting dark matter with invisible Higgs decays" (CMS)
"Testing flavour symmetry with the Higgs boson" (ATLAS)
"B to D decays reduce uncertainty on γ" (LHCb)
"Hidden charm in the quark–gluon plasma" (ALICE)


November/December 2022:

"Probing QCD beyond LHC energies" (ATLAS)
"Rare B-meson decays to two muons" (CMS)
"Spotting kaon decays into four muons" (LHCb)
"Hypertriton characterised with unprecedented precision" (ALICE)


September/October 2022:

"Jet-energy corrections blaze a trail" (CMS)
"Low-pileup data pin down top-quark production" (ATLAS)
"LHCb digs deeper in CP-violating charm decays" (LHCb)
"J/ψ photoproduction in hadronic PbPb collisions" (ALICE)


July/August 2022:

"Probing new physics with the Higgs boson" (ATLAS)
"Upsilon suppression in heavy-ion collisions" (CMS)
"Determining the lifetime of the Bs" (LHCb)
"Antinucleosynthesis beyond the average" (ALICE)


May/June 2022:

"Dijet excess intrigues at CMS" (CMS)
"Higgs-boson charm coupling weaker than bottom" (ATLAS)
"LHCb constrains cosmic antimatter production" (LHCb)
"Accessing the precursor stage of QGP formation" (ALICE)


March/April 2022:

"Extending the reach on Higgs’ self-coupling" (ATLAS)
"Graph neural networks boost di-Higgs search" (CMS)
"Charm baryons constrain hadronisation" (ALICE)
"Precision Z-boson production measurements" (LHCb)

January/February 2024:

"First TIPP in Africa a roaring success"
"A bright future for the Higgs sector"
"Golden anniversaries in Spain"
"Widening Balkan bridges in theory"
"Machine-learning speedup for HL-LHC"
"Keeping it cool at Cornell"


November/December 2023:

"Going underground in Vienna"
"Setting sail for HEP in Hamburg"
"Lepton Photon shines down under"
"Celebrating 25 years of Planck"
"Thirty years of growth in Vietnam"
"Getting to the bottom of muon g-2"
"Beauty in the Auvergne"


September/October 2023:

"Towards a century of trailblazing physics"
"Record attendance at IPAC23"
"Aligning future colliders at SLAC"
"Theoretical astroparticle physicists gather at CERN"
"Looking forward at the LHC"
"A treasure trove of LHC results"
"PHYSTAT systematics at BIRS"


July/August 2023:

"CERN shares beampipe know-how for gravitational-wave observatories"
"Magnificent CEvNS in Munich"
"An extraordinary harvest of new results"
"Cold atoms for new physics"
"A carnival of ideas in Kolkata"


May/June 2023:

"Design Principles of theoretical physics"
"Neutrino Pheno Week back at CERN"
"Exploring the origins of matter–antimatter asymmetry"
"Event celebrates 50 years of Kobayashi–Maskawa theory"


March/April 2023:

"Innovation on show for future ep/eA colliders"
"A celebration of physics in the Balkans"
"Chasing feebly interacting particles at CERN"
"Charting Higgs physics in Paris"
"Connecting strings in Spain"
"Fundamental symmetries and interactions at PSI"


January/February 2023:

"Preparing for post-LS3 scenarios"
"Combining quantum with high-energy physics"
"Superconducting detector magnets for the future"
"Exploring the power of polarisation at FCC-ee"
"Keeping research infrastructures safe"
"Simplifying research across borders"


November/December 2022:

"JENAS picks up the pace in Spain"
"Identifying dark matter"
"A celebration for Gabriele Veneziano"
"Catching neutrinos in Utah"
"100 years of international collaboration in physics"


September/October 2022:

"High-energy interactions in Bologna"
"IPAC back in full force"
"A word from FCC Week"
"A(nother) day to remember"
"UK event celebrates Higgs@10"
"Flying high with silicon photomultipliers"
Accelerating a better world"


July/August 2022:

"Tour de QCD and beyond"
"Future Circular Collider workshop debuts in Italy"
"Accelerating knowledge transfer with physics"
"SESAME revives the ancient Near East"
"Fostering cross-disciplinarity"
"Seminar remembers eminent David Cox"


May/June 2022:

"Closing in on open questions"
"Snowmass back at KITP"
"Spotlight on FCC physics"
"Gravitational-wave astronomy turns to AI "


March/April 2022:

"Shining light on the precision frontier"
"Exploring the early universe with gravitational waves"
"Connecting CERN and South Asia"
"Plotting a course to ALICE 3"
"Celebrating 20 years of n_TOF"
"Commemorating Bruno Touschek’s centenary"


January/February 2022:

"Training Future experts in the fight against cancer"

Online only:

"Kaon physics at a turning point"
"Statistics meets gamma-ray astronomy"
"LHCb experiment meets theory"
"Discussing all things symmetry"
"Back on TOP in Durham"

March/April 2023: "How to find your feet in industry"